Customer Testimonials

Read what from customers have to say about us. We have helped thousands of families to plan their vacations

Greetings staff!!

To reply about your request in letting you know how the combination tour was, basically, it turned out to be fantastic!!! I didn't realize that I was out of shape though :) It was intense, but very exciting and every single place was amazing!! I loved the food where we were taken for lunch (the casado-delicious) and of course, finishing off at the beautiful Tabacon Hot Springs and having dinner there was so relaxing after a whole day of exercising. The transportation staff was always on time during pick up and drop off as well. I felt in love with your country and hopefully in a near future, will come back again!! Thanks a million!!! I will definitely recommend your company to my family and friends :) Pura Vida!!

Aida, United States
All the arrangements were excellent!

We are on our way back to the airport. This was a great vacation. You and Fortuna Welcome have done an excellent job arranging the vacation. Pura Vida!

Kumar, United States
